Monday finds us here that made it through the night. Good day and welcome to LIFE.
Some do it wrong and some do it right, but people's rights could be wrong, and yes wrongs can be made right.
Wrong and Right, Black and White, This or That
Peppered throughout and in between and right in the middle of ALL OF IT is TRUTH.
and TRUTH BE TOLD is BOLD and is in the eyes of EVERYONE.
We last left off on Thursday morning in St. Louis at
FOX2, later that day we headed to
THE PAGEANT, and what a glorious garden of wood, concrete and sound equipment.
We walked in, walked through a room and walked through another door and the next room opened up into a HUGE room,where the vibration lingered of night after night of magic and sound. Here's a pic from soundcheck to help give light to the visual recantation.
The evening was a light bulb to turn the light on and bring awareness to what VARIETY does for so many families and their children. Even during soundcheck we had visitors, and the joy they brought like earlier in the day was holding hands with truth and you could honestly FEEL it. To sit in the same room, "a HUGE room" with TRUTH and GENUINE PURE JOY we were very lucky, honored and privileged to share in the MOMENT. There was also some radio winners that got to chill and watch us check the sound. We met them as well. And as we were wrapping up, there was a couple reporters that had some questions.
One of the more eventful soundcheck/being of service/interviews/meet and greets before the show. But to be HONEST with you, ALL of IT was AWESOME and TOTALLY GENUINE. An exchange of energy. Super cool.
After all was said and done we went to prepare for the SHOW and make way for the evening to BEGIN.
Families from the charity began to speak about their life and what it's like to have children with physical disabilities and also what it's like to have a place that helps with that. It's very cool to share the evening with folks who HELP PEOPLE THROUGH THEIR STRUGGLES WITH POSITIVE SOLUTIONS. So with the REASON and PURPOSE stated of why we were HERE, the music commenced.
OLD SALT UNION, took to the stage with some St. Louis Bluegrass...some cool harmonies and lots of pickin. A very warm and organic way to start the evening.
BLESSED and ABLE we took to the stage to sing our SONGS OF HOPE and THE STRUGGLE, LOVE and LOSS. FALLING but GETTING BACK UP.
The songs were sung, we played from our ideas of SOURCE.
From our MINDS, From our HEARTS, and From our SPIRITS
And we gave it to the people
The SHOW was over and again what was 90 minutes seemed to vanish in the PASSION and HEART of MUSIC AND SONG. It was wonderful to meet the kind folks of St. Louis and to some that traveled from around the area THANK YOU for your LOVE and SUPPORT. It touches my HEART and makes it SMILE. Thank you Thank you Thank you..

And as fast as we came down to St. Louis we left and were on our way back HOME, that same night of MAGIC and SOUND. We made it half way there, slept and woke up late morning and kept heading north. We made it back to the great state of MINNESOTA, got the van unloaded, said goodbye to the band, showered, changed and headed to the next gig to see some friends who I played with last year. They were playing a gig for
ROTARY 5950, again another group of folks trying to make a positive impact in their COMMUNITY and the WORLD. So when they asked me to come play a couple of songs, with them I could not say no. They are a ST. PAUL band that started playing music together in 1978, they are
FREE and EASY . The keyboardist Scott and I met last year at another community function. We found a commonality in trying to use music with arrangements, parts, depth, skill and a message to inspire people. Especially people that are in positions to influence POSITIVE CHANGE in THEIR COMMUNITIES and in THE SAME BREATH THE WORLD. Plus it was at the
RADISON BLU and that place is AWESOME. They always have such a cool vibe, amazingly inspiring art, the design is sleek and pretty far-out. I always getting pretty fired up when I'm there. And the
FireLake Grill House is equally as inspiring. Another VH1 Behind the music, is that's where my WIFE and I stayed the night we got married. Yet another reason this place is special. Here's the guys and one of the ballrooms at the Blu.

From our HEARTS and HOMES to the streets. In coffee houses and restaurants and bars.
In churches and temples and theaters and performing art centers. In old halls and ballrooms. To amphitheaters and arenas. To television and motion pictures. From our birth to our death beds music provides the soundtrack of our lives. It helps paint a bigger picture of where and what and who and how and why we are. We become part of the song that's been playing since the dawn of time. Probably even before the whole thing started.
What's your soundtrack sound like?
As always in PEACE
and many many THANKS