Sunday, January 26, 2014

Holy LUCKENBACH folks!

Now ladies and gents, as some of you well know, we have been taking it to the streets. Taking it to the people and it has been truly amazing. And as amazing as it has been, it's been very crazy to keep movin from town to town. You start to gain and build this momentum, it get's kinda hard to slow down.
So a little tired we headed out from Austin to LUCKENBACH for their annual BLUESFEST.

After driving over rolling hills, covered with the tree's you saw in the Young Guns movies, and many a turn we found the LUCKENBACH DANCEHALL.
Please go check it out for yourself folks. And in keepin in line with these gigs walkin in the footsteps of the greats, this place was no different. Willie Nelson and Waylon Jennings as well as Robert Earl Keen to name a few.
We followed the signs to where it said Band Load parked, saw an awesome looking hat shop, walked right up and saw my hat that was waiting for me for I don't know how long. I said I would love to try on that hat, and the second it was on, it was mine. 
Thanks Boo for takin the time to be so helpful, thanks for fitting my favorite hat on the planet. And truly thanks for being so awesome. Next I said hello to Cowboy R and hopped on Tumbleweed, a huge Texas Longhorn. 
All of this happened within the first 15 minutes of setting foot on this magical land. HEY NOW and HOLY BUCKETS!  Not to mention the wonderful music of Garrett LeBeau
as all this is happening. Talk about a recharge folks, there was definitely some more pep in my step. We then headed backstage to get ready for the show. The wonderful Miss Abbey who was the main reason we were in LUCKENBACH asked us for a pic of our whole team. Here we are.....
Hope you do enjoy.

Minus me in the 10 gallon hat, our crew is JIM on sound, MA  on merch and mom power, miss Abbey "the one who got us on the bill", D Nau on guitar and sampling, Maxaphone on sax and EWI and Timmy Carrow on keys. This is part of our TRIBE and huge parts of making all of this possible. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU miss Abbey for makin this possible and THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to the NICK DAVID TRIBE. HEY NOW!

If you can't tell folks, this was and is a special spot and was almost like a world you read about in the storybooks. This place charged my battery 10 times over. What a magical spot. Before we knew it, it was time to hit the stage and share some stories of the Heart with the wonderful people.
The wonderful, the beautiful, the amazing miss Tameca Jones went on right before us and she dusted off that stage with some solid soul. She can SANG.
A quick side note, miss Tameca and I met auditioning for the voice, so this wasn't the first time and it most definately won't be the last. As we were getting our gear ready, they had time for one more and she told the people how we met and dedicated "with a little help from my friends" to's waitin in the wings and after many "you should do it", I went and up and joined miss Tameca on the choruses it was so on the spot and so fun. Then it was our turn.
The show was rippin and full of energy! We brought some of that Northland FUNK and the people loved it. The exchange of energy was wonderful. What was an hour and fifteen minute set felt like a few songs. So much fun. The next thing I knew we were done and had clear the stage for the next act
Malford Milligan. Again this dude's got a very soulfully smooth voice. So blessed to share the stage with such talented and gifted spirits.
Speakin of gifted spirits, Thank you to everyone who came out to the LUCKENBACH BLUESFEST.
Ya'll truly truly lifted our spirits and sent us wonderfully on our way to CONROE. Thank you folks for your support and love. It warms my heart and brings such JOY and GRATITUDE. I AM so GRATEFUL. Peace and Many Many Thanks. 

there were a couple other bands on the bill that played before we got there and after we left, they were 
Texas Tornados,Van Wilkes and Debbie Walton. It's an honor to share the stage with such talented folks. Also a big big big THANK YOU to VIRGIL who was head of security. Thanks for all your help and thanks for the awesome walkin cane. HEY NOW and HOLY BUCKETS!


  1. Texas is indeed a magical land. Glad you were able to re-charge in our beautiful state. Peace and joy to ya.

  2. You do Shine in your Amazing Hat, Nicholas! Sounds like you found a true Home at the Luckenbach Bluesfest:) Love the photo of your tribe. So happy you had a chance to refresh, energize and see Tameca, again! Thanks for sharing your adventures with us!
